ARC Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics
PhD scholarships
Highly qualified students with training in molecular or cell biology,
mathematics, statistics, computer science, information technology or systems
analysis are encouraged to apply for a PhD scholarship within the Australian
Research Council Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics
(, Australia's leading research consortium in
bioinformatics and computational genome biology.
Priority research areas include:
* inference, computational modelling and analysis of regulatory networks
in stem cell development;
* inference, computational modelling and analysis of regulatory networks
in breast cancer; and
* imaging, mathematical modelling and visualisation of spatially dynamic
processes in mammalian cells.
Up to ten PhD scholarships, each valued at $25,000 per annum for three years,
are available at our nodes at The Australian National University, Macquarie
University, and The University of Queensland.
For further information, contact Professor Mark Ragan:,
Professor Mark Ragan
ARC Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Qld 4072 Australia
Tel: +61-7-3346-2616 / 2617
Fax: +61-7-3346-2101
Sunday, November 18, 2007
ACB PhD Scholarships
Posted by
6:49 PM
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Information Systems in UNSW, Australia
Lecturer: $71,779 - $84,618 pa
Senior Lecturer: $87,182 - $100,022 pa
Associate Professor: $104,301 - 114,433 pa
Applications are invited for this position from suitably qualified people in
the field of information systems or a related discipline. The successful
applicant will join a vibrant School that aims to provide high-quality
educational programs as well as a dynamic, productive, output-driven research
As well as undergraduate programs offered to officer cadets and midshipmen, the
School offers postgraduate programs to civilian and defence personnel,
including postgraduate coursework programs and research masters and PhD
degrees. A professional doctorate, the Doctor of Information Technology, is
also available. In addition to undergraduate and postgraduate programs, the
School also provides a number of technology awareness courses for defence
personnel, including several in enterprise architecture.
Active research programs in information systems are maintained in the areas of
decision making, enterprise architecture, information and communication
technology governance, risk management, soft systems modelling, systems
thinking, and software metrics. Other research programs in the School include
antenna arrays, artificial intelligence, complex systems, control theory,
evaluation of computer networks, image and video coding and transmission image
processing and interpretation, mobile communications, operations research,
quantum computing, radar and electromagnetic engineering, remote sensing,
robotics, speech processing and virtual environments. Bodies like the
Australian Research Council support many of these projects.
The successful applicant will be expected to undertake an active research
program. Applicants whose research interests are different, but complementary,
to existing areas are encouraged to apply.
The School is looking to appoint a staff member who will add to the School.s
research activities and who will complement the School.s teaching profile in
the area of Information Systems.
Depending on the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant, an
appointment may be offered at Lecturer (Level B), Senior Lecturer (Level C) or
Associate Professor (Level D). The School is prepared to consider various types
of appointment, including continuing and fixed-term contract, full and part
Membership of an approved University superannuation scheme is a condition of
employment of this position.
Position description and selection criteria are available at Further information is
available from the Head of School Professor Michael Frater on (02) 6268 8236 or
by email on
Information on current research programs in the School can be found at
Applications close 7th December 2007. Please quote reference number: ITEE
11907. Interviews for this position will be held on Monday 17th and Tuesday
18th December 2007.
A written application addressing the selection criteria, a resume, and the
names and addresses (preferably email) of at least three referees should be
submitted to: HR Recruitment, UNSW@ADFA, Australian Defence Force Academy,
Northcott Drive, CANBERRA ACT 2600. You may email your application to: For confirmation of receipt of
application telephone (02) 6268 8726. People from EEO groups are encouraged to
Posted by
6:32 PM
Labels: academic position, australia, unsw
Thursday, November 15, 2007
PhD Opportunities in Kyoto University, Japan
When I was in Nagoya University, my airfares and livings are funded by the COE grant. Now there's open scholarships for students all around the world to do a PhD in Kyoto University. (Kyoto is a very lovely city - see my travel pictures here, here and here =p!)
The Graduate school of Informatics, Kyoto University, has announced a new PhD
studentship opportunity in cooperation with a Japanese governmental project
called the Global COE program. Attached is the Call for PhD Student who can
enter Kyoto University from October 2008. The notable features of the program
are summarized as follows:
(1) All the accepted PhD students (totally 8 positions) are regarded as
students supported by Japanese Govenment.
(2) All the accepted PhD students are provided about 220,000 Japanese yen per a
month for three years. (That's around usd2,200!)
(3) All the accepted PhD students can apply to the "young leader fostering
program" of the fiscal year 2009. When accepted, each accepted applicant will
be provided the research fund (about 1 million - 1.5 million Japanese Yen) from
the Global COE program.
The deadline of the application is: January 10th, 2008. Notification of
acceptance/rejection will be provided from Kyoto Univeristy in March 2008
(final notification from Japanese government will be sent to July 2008.)
Accepted applicants must enter PhD course from October 2008.
Katsumi Tanaka, Professor
Dept. of Social Informatics,
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501,Japan
Tel : +81-75-753-5969
Secretary: +81-75-753-5385
Fax: +81-75-753-5979
Posted by
2:08 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Research Positions Macquarie University
Position 1 : Research Assistantship -- Network Security
An opportunity exists for a Research Assistant to do a project in Network
Security (INSS Research Group) conducting denial of service attack NS2
simulation and performance analysis in IP based wide area network environment.
Following this, similar analysis needs to be conducting done in wireless LAN
and IP based 3G/B3G networks. The position is avaliable now and can be for some
6 to 12 months at the initial stage.
Further information regarding the project may be obtained by
contacting the supervisor : Professor Vijay Varadharajan,
email:, telephone: +61-2-9850 9534/36
Position 2: Security in Sensor Networks
A full-time Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarships
(MQRES) is currently available for a PhD investigating the
design and analysis of security architecture and protocols for sensor
MQRES scholarships are available to domestic and international
students. Applicants should have completed equivalent research
qualifications to an Australian undergraduate degree with first class
honours in a relevant discipline, such as a Masters degree with
substantial thesis component. We are seeking high calibre, suitably
qualified Mathematics, Engineering, Computing or equivalent
graduates. Early career professionals interested in returning to
higher degree studies are particularly encouraged to apply.
The MQRES stipend is currently $19,616 p.a. tax exempt (2007). Tenure
is 3.5 years full-time, subject to satisfactory progress with tuition
fees funded for the scholarship tenure. Additional support for
project costs and conference travel will also be available.
Further information regarding the project may be obtained by
contacting the supervisor : Professor Vijay Varadharajan,
email:, telephone: +61-2-9850 9534/36.
Position 3 : Modelling and Analysis of Quantitative Security and Safety
Critical Systems
A full-time Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarships
(MQRES) is currently available for a PhD investigating the modelling
and analysis of quantitative security and safety critical systems.
The robustness of security and safety critical systems depends
crucially on the information available to the controlling software.
This project will investigate mathematical techniques for evaluating
the safety and security issues of software where information
protection is a significant factor. Applications could include
protocols for the internet, wireless networks, smartcards and e-
voting. The research will focus particularly on applying and
developing automated analysis techniques for quantitative
verification and evaluation of novel applications.
MQRES scholarships are available to domestic and international
students. Applicants should have completed equivalent research
qualifications to an Australian undergraduate degree with first class
honours in a relevant discipline, such as a Masters degree with
substantial thesis component. We are seeking high calibre, suitably
qualified Mathematics, Engineering, Computing or equivalent
graduates. Early career professionals interested in returning to
higher degree studies are particularly encouraged to apply.
The MQRES stipend is currently $19,616 p.a. tax exempt (2007). Tenure
is 3.5 years full-time, subject to satisfactory progress with tuition
fees funded for the scholarship tenure. Additional support for
project costs and conference travel will also be available.
Further information regarding the project may be obtained by
contacting the supervisors: Dr Annabelle McIver email:, or Professor Vijay Varadharajan,
email:, telephone: +61-2-9850 9534/36
Posted by
5:31 PM